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Cedar Ridge teacher is Farm Bureau’s Outstanding Ag Educator

Carlisle’s Bokker is Outstanding New Ag Educator, Clinton High also honored

Arkansas Farm Bureau recognized Tim Cunningham of Cedar Ridge High School in Independence County as its Outstanding Ag Educator. Carlisle High School’s Carly Bokker earned the Outstanding New Ag Educator Award, and Clinton High School grabbed the top spot as the Outstanding Ag Education Program. All were recognized at Farm Bureau’s 85th Annual Convention, Dec. 4, at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.

Educator Award winner photo

(L to R) ArFB Vice President Rich Hillman, Tim Cunningham of Cedar Ridge High School, and ArFB President Randy Veach.

The Outstanding Ag Educator award recognizes a high school agriculture education instructor for efforts in teaching young people about agriculture, leadership and involvement in the National FFA Organization. The Cedar Ridge High School program includes 85 students in ag education and FFA.

“My accomplishments in the FFA are my students’ accomplishments. I don’t want the spotlight or praise. I just want my students to succeed and accomplish their goals,” Cunningham said. “I have accomplished something when they have accomplished something.” 

Bokker photo

(L to R) ArFB Vice President Rich Hillman, Bokker, ArFB President Randy Veach

Bokker earned the top New Ag Educator Award for her work at Carlisle High School where she has 81 students involved. In three years, she has built up the school’s FFA program from 10-15 students to now more than 60. “It is my goal to bring my students as much hands-on experience as I can,” Bokker said. “I know I’ve done my job when they come back to class and tell me a way they used what they are learning in class at home.” Earlier this year, Bokker also earned recognition as Carlisle School District Teacher of the Year for her accomplishments in building the school’s agriculture education program.

Cedar Ridge photo

Representatives from Cedar Ridge High School accepting their honor.

Clinton High School was recognized for its popular ag education program that has 229 students participating. The program teachers include Chad Mooney and Justin Wiedower. This year, the school had 31 students exhibit more than 70 animals at local, district and state fairs. In the past five years, students have won 22 grand champions at the county fair, 17 reserve grand champions, 16 grand champions at the district fair and 21 reserve grand champions. Their state fair honors include the grand champion commercial gilt and seven breed champions. The Clinton agriculture program has been described as one of the most complete and well-rounded in the state. 

Arkansas Farm Bureau is a nonprofit, private advocacy organization of almost 190,000 families throughout the state working to improve farm and rural life.

For more information, contact: 

Rob Anderson
(501) 228-1640


Gregg Patterson
(501) 228-1282