A written letter is always a good way to get a message across because people know that you have taken the time to write them about an issue.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing to your senator or governor.

  • Be brief.

Keep letters to about one page in length, stick to one issue and be concise.

  • Be legible.

If you are handwriting a letter, make sure it can be easily read by another person.

  • Be sure to explain who you are and what you want.

Make it known you are a constituent and clearly identify what issue you are discussing. Identify the issue’s bill number, if possible. Hit three major points that could possibly persuade the legislator to support your position.

  • Be personal.

Explain why this legislation matters to you. Tell a real-life story about how it may affect you and your family.

  • Be relatable.

Explain your connection with the legislator. State that you have supported their campaign or you have a mutual acquaintance.

  • Be the expert.

Remember that your legislator represents you. Be respectful, but do not be afraid to be firm in your position.

  • Be proper when addressing members of Congress.

To your senator

The Honorable (full name)

(room#) (name) Senate Office Building

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator (last name):

To your representative

The Honorable (full name)

(room#) (name) Senate Office Building

United States House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Representative (last name):

  • Don't be confrontational.

Be respectful even when you have reason to believe that the official may hold a view different than yours.